Thursday, June 17, 2010

Getting Ready for the Future

Winston Churchill once said, “To improve is to change. To be perfect is to change often.” But we all know change isn’t easy. People react differently to change. Some of us are excited about the changes; others of us feel a little out of our “comfort zone” when contemplating change.

Scientists tell us that change has considerable psychological impact on the human mind. The way you look at the situation—how you mentally frame it, and the conclusions you reach—determines how you react to organizational change. Your thoughts can cause you to resist, or they can help you to embrace and support the new moves and ultimately benefit from the changes that are taking place.

As the saying goes, there are only three certainties in life: death, taxes … and change. Change is inevitable. Embracing change makes our lives more interesting and fulfilling when we take advantage of the opportunities that change provides.

The trouble with change is that it usually arrives before we’re ready for it. But when we are prepared, we are empowered with a new confidence that inspires and challenges us.

Preparing employees for change requires effective, transparent communication that tells them were the company is today, where it needs to be tomorrow, and what steps are required to get it there. And most importantly, employees need to know and understand their role in the change process and how they will ultimately benefit.

The better prepared employees are to embrace change, the more they will be able to take advantage of it and work together to build a more successful company.

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